There was once a time in real estate, not that long ago, when eco-friendly housing meant a downgrade from the highest level of luxury. But not anymore. Green living and eco-conscious construction no longer exclude the finer things. In fact, as styles and taste develop and as manufacturing technology improves, green has become something of a luxury item. The wealthy can afford not only the best materials and the finest environment, but they can also afford to pay more for elements that were produced sustainably, are recycled from historical sites, or provide greater energy efficiency.
More importantly; they want to. The upper crust of today's society cares more about sustainable homes than ever before. The green movement has become a subtle part of today's culture of luxury and privilege. Those who can, are choosing the luxury of sustainable construction paired with the skill and expertise that make these choices rewarding.
Today, we're here to talk about how existing and future communities can appeal to modern homeowners with luxury green elements and lower carbon footprints.
Reclaimed Materials Tell a Tantalizing Story
Among the trendiest options in green luxury is reclaimed materials. Wood panels, bricks, and stone are collected from historic buildings that are deconstructed or renovated. Reclaimed wood floors are the height of green fashion for classically sustainable homes. Not only can the homeowner proudly say that their wood floors felled no trees, but there's also a tantalizing story behind where the wood was reclaimed from. Build the history of your city into new construction homes to give your buyers a sense of roots while also enjoying all the latest new-construction luxuries.
The Romance of Local and Sustainably Harvested Materials
For fresh materials, especially wood, there is a growing importance that the wood be sustainably harvested. This relates to each home's carbon footprint. Not just the carbon it produces as a home, but also the carbon spent to create and transport the building materials.
Luxury homeowners today are often proud to have homes built from local woods, again giving them a sense of connection to the land and the city, not just their lot and home. Local woods require less trucking and therefore less burned carbon to transport.
Sustainably harvested materials are also popular. Fast-growing woods like bamboo and the genetically engineered lyptus make it easy to plant and harvest quickly without clearing new acres. Even for woods that grow more slowly, sustainable replanting is a must when sourcing. Be sure to tell your buyers that wood throughout the home is local and/or sustainably harvested.
Quality as Luxury with Energy Efficient Everything
Then, of course, there's the inherent luxury of energy efficiency. Those living at the upper end of income and lifestyle know that the best way to make money is to save it at every opportunity. Energy efficiency isn't just good for the environment, it's also good for the checkbook, and there are so many ways to make a home energy efficient.
Double-paned windows and green insulation between the walls ensures both heat and sound are comfortably contained in the home. Well-built attics, high-quality external doors, and top-end ductwork are all essential to an energy efficient home.
The appliances you use can be efficient in two different ways. You can choose Energy Star rated appliances that use significantly less power. For appliances that run water, choose models that use less water per load for the same sparkling clean effect.
The Novelty of Specialty Green Features
Last but not least, there's the novelty factor. When your luxury home buyers are looking for the satisfaction of a green home, there's nothing more delightful than a few unusually green extras. Solar panels on the roof or solar water heating, for example, will fascinate eco-conscious luxury buyers and they'll delight in telling their friends just as they will talk about the story behind their reclaimed wood floors.
Perhaps your condo building has a compost pile and all the residents are welcome to add their vegetable cuttings, along with a great place for grass trimmings and fallen leaves. Perhaps you have a garden for children and green-thumb adults to grow community produce and flowers. Or a solar-powered water play area that runs itself when the days are hottest.
These little details will appeal to eco-conscious buyers who want to be both luxuriously comfortable and proud of the homes they live in. For more insights on how to make your community luxuriously green and appeal to new luxury home buyers, contact us today!