If you have thought about giving back to your local community, joining your community association's board is a great way to do that. As a board member, you are a leader in your community, and other residents rely on you to make choices in the best interests of the entire community and those living there.
The following are some great reasons to consider running for your HOA Board if you want to make a difference in your community:
Help Safeguard Property Values
The association board takes on the responsibility of ensuring that all of the homes in the community are following the rules set by the association.
Homes are the most significant investments many people ever make, so safeguarding their investment and helping it gain value is one of the best things you can do for your community and those around you.
You Help Fellow Residents
Not only does joining the board help you keep your home's property value high and ensure that you protect your investments, but you are also doing the same for everyone else that lives in the community. Being on the board, you hear about other neighbors and their opinions on how things should be run, so you can advocate for the best interests of everyone in your community.
Solve Problems
If you are someone who hears about a problem and always seems to have a way to solve it, then running for a community association board is a great way to help others solve problems within your community.
If you are someone who can handle lots of complaints and concerns from others in your community and have good solutions to fix many problems, then you will be a great addition to your board when it comes to helping everyone live together in peace and harmony in the community.
You Get an Opportunity to Learn
You will learn a lot about how a community association operates and gain insight into how communities function together in the best interest of all residents.
You will also develop leadership skills and gain valuable life lessons on how to help others and show empathy toward their situations, problems, or concerns.
You Will Meet New People
When you serve on an association board, you will meet some new people throughout the community. You will get to know new people in your community and meet some of your neighbors who are also giving their time to make the community an excellent place to live.
You might even meet people who have things in common with you and decide that you want to be friends outside of working on the HOA Board if you share common interests or share similar lifestyles.
It's Great to Add to a Resume
If you are looking to add community service to a resume, then serving on your HOA's Board will look great on your resume. It shows that you take time to help others and care about the place where you live.
These experiences can be important to a manager or boss as you show that you have developed leadership and take the initiative to help others through volunteering your effort and time to causes that help your community.
You Help Change the Rules:
If you are looking for some rule changes in your association or don't like how certain things are run, then joining the board gives you some say in helping change that. If you feel this way, likely other residents do as well.
Working together to come up with rules that make sense, protect property values, and are fair to everyone in the community allows you to help make your HOA a better place to live.
Final Thoughts
Considering how many HOAs are in America and how many people are already helping out with their community HOA, you can be the next person to help make your community a better place to live.
If you want to get involved and want more information on what you should do next, please contact us.