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HOA Management: Tips for Hiring an OnSite Manager or General Manager

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Posted by Staff Writer on Dec 19, 2017 8:00:00 AM


woman and coworkersWhen a general manager leaves their position, the first instinct is to find a replacement right away. The haste to fill a vacancy can lead to trouble down the road as important considerations are often overlooked. Having a vacancy is an inconvenience and means additional duties for staff, however, taking this time to re-evaluate the position is vital to hiring the right replacement. Here are some tips for hiring an on-site manager:

Evaluate the Last Manager

Not all onsite managers will have the same styles. Evaluate the last on-site manager, and their duties, and consider changes and updates to the job description. Make sure the roles of the manager and the board are defined. Typical responsibilities of an on-site community manager are:

  • Employee management
  • Maintenance checks
  • Owner issues
  • Rules enforcement
  • Overseeing collections 

The HOA board, on the other hand, makes decisions about policy. The on-site manager manages the community and helps the board. However, the board is the decision maker and policy setter.

Asking the Right Interview Questions

Hiring the right HOA on-site manager is serious business. Not only do you need to ask the right questions, but you also need to ask specific ones. Here are several of the top interview questions to ask when interviewing for such a position:

  • How long have you worked as a manager and how many employees reported to you?
  • How would former employees describe your management style?
  • When accepting a new position in the past, how did you go about meeting new people and developing relationships?
  • Rate your management skills on a scale of one to ten, with ten being excellent. Provide three examples of past work experience that support the number selected.

 Strong answers to these and other questions will narrow down the right candidates. Asking specific questions about past work experiences and about management styles will result in learning more about their work experiences and certifications. Employment verification from past employers, references, and background checks are also good ideas.

Meeting Face-to-Face

Skype is an excellent tool for initial conversations, but when it comes down to the final candidates, a face-to-face meeting is essential. Body language, facial expressions, and personality are all much clearer when talking with someone in person. One of the key responsibilities of an on-site HOA manager is to represent the association well and places the association in a good light. A professional appearance and ability to get along well with the board, members, and the community is a must. Setting and demonstrating high standards yet having a willingness to comprise are additional qualities of a great on-site manager.

Perhaps the most important quality an on-site has is the ability to listen. Managing an association involves daily involvement with many types of personalities. An on-site manager needs to be approachable and willing to listen. By listening and learning from those who comprise the association, an on-site manager will demonstrate they care by using the information to develop a vision for the association's future.

Use Vacancy Time Wisely

When a position for an on-site manager opens, either a new position or for an existing position, take time to evaluate the job duties. Establish a timeline of when you want to fill the position and what steps you will take to meet the timeline. Narrow down the list of candidates based on the information listed above. By sticking to a timeline and staying focused on the goal of hiring the right on-site manager, you'll be doing a better service for the association. No good decision is ever made in haste. Find the right fit by bringing the finalists in for an in-person interview. For more information on onsite management and choosing the right person for the job, contact us. Our experienced on-site management staff can help you navigate the process of hiring an on-site manager for your HOA.

On-site management for community associations | Grandmanors

Staff Writer

Staff Writer

RealManage has a team of experts that understand HOA Management, COA Management and are ready to help your association with technological and personalized solutions.