Developers are taking note of the new demands placed by buyers in adult communities. Ten years ago the average buyer age was 72 years-old; now it is 62 years-old. With the younger age comes an expectation of services and amenities that developers strive to provide. Here are just four ways active adult communities are changing:
Social Connections
Active adult communities are all about connecting residents. To ensure connectivity, developers are implementing walking trails and hiring activity directors. A lifestyle activity director is responsible for everything from coordinating pot luck dinners to scheduling exercise classes. Community gardens and clubhouses are other ways developers are setting the stage for connectivity.
While connecting with other residents within the community is important to residents, protection from the outside community is just as important. Buyers want to feel safe and secure and to address this, developers are building gated entrances. Gated entrances are helpful as many residents may still work, increasing the amount of coming and going traffic into the community.
To truly understand how age-restricted communities are changing, one must understand today's baby boomer. Baby boomers seek to remain as active as possible for as long as possible. Adult communities featuring the amenities boomers need are the ones making the short list at decision time. Fitness rooms, indoor and outdoor lap pools, and golf courses are attractive options. Boomers are also looking for such lifestyle amenities as artists' studio, special interests clubs, and a professional demonstration kitchen. They also want these amenities built and developed with as much sustainable material as possible.
Mention adult communities and Florida immediately comes to mind. Known for its sunshine and warm weather, the state has long been an attractive choice to those looking to escape the cold weather. Florida remains the leader in this demographic but is closely followed by North Carolina. A growing trend, however, is remaining close to home. Smaller, location driven communities are an attractive option to those who are reluctant to move away from family.
The age-restricted communities built today are developing into thriving, gated communities. With a target audience of the age 55 and over age bracket, today's adult communities are anything but a place to retire. The baby boomer generation remains active and seeks to maintain that lifestyle even though they are downsizing their home and belongings. They want fenced backyards for their dogs and locations that are closer to friends and family.
Adult Communities in the World of HOAs
Homeowners associations are another way buyers can feel connected within the community. Such an association offers buyers peace-of-mind as they still have a say in the policies and regulations of the community beyond the purchase date. By participating in HOA meetings and activities, buyers are part of the process of finding ways to maintain the lifestyle the community offers residents.
Active adult communities are just that: active. Gone are the images of rocking chairs and shared driveways. Today's 55 and over buyers want to downsize and want lower maintenance costs. They also want to maintain their lifestyle of being active and of enjoying life. Developers are receiving these messages loud and clear as they plan new communities around lifestyle amenities. Social connectivity, security, lifestyle, and location are just four ways active adult communities are changing. All four of these components are attractive to buyers.
Simplifying material goods for an easier to maintain living space and more time to enjoy walking trails, learning a new skill, or taking a water aerobics class is top-of-mind when buyers visit new adult communities. For more information regarding these four trends and others that impact the way active adult communities are changing, contact us today.