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Fall Landscaping HOA Needs - Lawn Care Tips

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Posted by Rolando Coronado on Sep 23, 2020 8:35:00 AM

As summer ends, we all know that soon the cool crisp fall weather will be here soon if it hasn't already chilled your area. Believe it or not, but fall is the best time to start working on your lawn to ensure luscious green grass come next spring.  If you're part of an HOA, and looking to spruce up community spaces or find tips or guidance for homeowners, check out these lawn care tips.

Fall Lawncare

Keep Mowing

At the first sign of cooler weather, you might be tempted to put that lawnmower away.  Try to resist!  While summer brings frequent mowing, grass doesn't become dormant until the first frost.  While you'll probably be able to mow less, maybe every 2-3 weeks instead of every week, a regular mowing will maintain your yard's health.   

Cut grass to the appropriate height, too short, and the roots are endangered, too long, and you risk fungi and mold diseases.

After a long summer, it's crucial to inspect your lawnmower and perform fall and winter maintenance on it.  Not only will this keep it running efficiently through autumn lawn care tasks, but it'll be ready when springtime hits.

Rake Leaves

HOA fall landscaping doesn't stop at mowing.  While changing-colored leaves are pretty to look at, they can be a chore to remove.  However, it's critical to rake often.  Falling leaves can block out sunlight and create moisture that leads to lawn fungus.  Try to rake up the colorful leaves at least once a week, so when springtime comes, the grass below isn't in poor condition.

If you're crafty about it, you can use those leaves to your advantage.  Mowing the leaves and grinding them up or setting them aside in a composting pile can kill two birds with one stone.  It'll get rid of the leaves, and you'll be able to use the compost as a natural fertilizer for your lawn. 


During the summer months, there was probably a lot of traffic in grassy areas.  All of that activity compressed and compacted the grass and soil.  This prevents water, air, and fertilizer from settling into the grass roots resulting in thin, patchy grass.

Aeration combats this and loosens the soil below enabling the water and air to filter through.  There are different types of aerators to help get this job done, but homeowners may need to consult their HOA board or ACC/ARC committee before starting work.  Leaving the work to the fall landscaping HOA professionals might be a good idea.


Fertilizing during the cooler fall weather will ensure your lawn has plenty of nutrients to help it get through winter.  It also goes hand in hand with aeration.  Since aeration loosens the soil, adding fertilizer afterward will allow it to travel deeper, creating a healthier lawn.

Remove Pests and Weeds

Taking care of pests and weeds that live in your lawn during fall time is best before new spring growth.  Eliminating pests may require professional help, so homeowners need to be cognizant of HOA rules surrounding their use. 

As for weeds, it's best to try to remove them in fall as their easier to kill.  Whether pulling them from the root or using weed-killer, removal in cooler weather helps to keep them from coming back in the spring. 

Water As Needed

Even though autumn provides more moisture for grass to survive and thrive, it's important to keep tabs on rainfall and the condition of your lawn.  If it hasn't rained in a while, water it, or set up a sprinkler system for its overall health.

If you want a full and lush lawn come spring, it's crucial to do the work in the fall.  If you have questions regarding HOA guidelines or management issues, please don't hesitate to contact us.

GrandManors Management for Aging Communities