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A Security Service's Pros and Cons for Your Community Association

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Posted by Duane McPherson, CMCA, PCAM® on Oct 21, 2020 8:16:00 AM

Security is a priority for individuals living in a community. For that reason, community associations or HOAs adopt various approaches when it comes to securing their properties, including the use of intercom systems and video surveillance. Other community associations opt to hire security personnel. The process of hiring security staff is no mean task.

The reason is that there are several considerations to make if you want to protect your association from unnecessary liability and ensure the safety of residents as well. Here are some of the benefits and drawbacks of hiring a security service for your community association.

security jacketAdvantages

1. It Brings Peace of Mind

A safe environment gives residents peace of mind, and that is why community associations should prioritize hiring security personnel. The implication is that residents do not have to keep an eye on suspicious people or activity when there are security guards around. Peace of mind is an intangible benefit that allows everyone to go about their daily activities with less or no worries at all.

2. Promotes Enforcement of Traffic Regulations and Better Parking Control

There is a tendency to allow residents, guests, and visitors to the same place where they can park their vehicles in the case of community associations. As a result, there may be overcrowding in the parking lot, especially when there are visitors around, and that may give rise to parking issues. Addressing such a challenge is paramount if you want to make the dwelling a better place.

Over and above security guards can provide other services as well. For example, in such a situation, they can help your association implement parking regulations fully. They can also improve the monitoring of traffic and speeding automobiles, which will help protect children whenever they are outdoors.

3. Access to Enhanced and Reliable Security

Trespassing, vandalism, break-ins, and burglary are some of the issues that every community association should solve in a bid to protect its residents. Therefore, hiring a security force that can go the extra mile to give families the peace they deserve is not an option. When residents feel unsafe or vulnerable, they may eventually decide to move to a different residence. That can bear a negative impact on the reputation of a particular community.

As such, engaging a reputable security firm can prevent a disastrous situation from unfolding, and the community remains secure round the clock, which keeps residents happy. Additionally, the services you can access through an expert security service depend on the requirements of your association, and they can include mobile patrols and main gate security guards.


1. Cost

It is a fact that cost is a significant consideration when planning to hire security personnel. When a community association decides to hire security guards, it implies that around-the-clock coverage will be necessary, which can be quite expensive.

That also suggests that you need to review your association documents, find out whether your board has the authority to hire such personnel and if this will demand membership approval as well, and check whether there are dollar limitations on the maximum the board can spend each year without membership consent, among other things.

A community association should consider engaging a professional security company to conduct a comprehensive study before hiring security guards. That will inform the decision-making process, and it will be at an extra cost too.

2. Liability Issues

Ensuring the security company you hire has the appropriate insurance is paramount. So, you need to focus on the insurance binder, and your association needs to be part of the "additional insured," too. If the firm claims to have insurance but cannot provide an insurance binder, that is a red alert right there. That is because if someone is hurt and they decide to sue, your association will bear the consequences if there is no insurance to take care of the same.


Community associations that appreciate the importance of protecting their residents will consider hiring a security service. The details above are some of the things worth considering when making such a decision. If you need more information on considerations for hiring a security service for your community association, contact us today!

GrandManors Management for Aging Communities

Duane McPherson, CMCA, PCAM®

Duane McPherson, CMCA, PCAM®

Over 30 years experience in property and community association management Professional Community Association Manager through the Community Association Institute (CAI) Former GM/CEO of a large-scale association: mixed-use commercial, residential and recreational Contributor to National industry experience